You want to make good business supported by digital media. Good digital support that is appreciated and well used is developed by understanding the customer and how you offer what is expected by the user. You are also looking at managing the customer interaction in a way that maximizes your business. The website speed, features, navigation, interaction, graphical design and texts are to be mastered. You want the user to find you and choose you as first option independent whether they “hang-out” in social media or are actively searching for you via search engines.

What technology is required? What design is attracting? What do we need to consider? What are the 20% parts that should be processed in order to achieve 80% of the effect?

Miljonline believe in agile product development which means to develop, prototype, test, release and evaluate in small, short sprints and to continuously make fine-tuned improvements. Focus on the communication and use most-used, open platforms that give you cost effiency. Start there.

At the same time Miljonline believe in working with the details. Pay respect to user concerns, what is annoying them, and make sure to steadily develop your digital product in order to simplify for the user.

In the development of your business we bring in these experts:

  • Agile management of projects
  • User experience designer (UXD)
  • Digital communicator
  • Engineers, systems architects, back-end and front-end developers
  • Experts in search engine optimization (SEO) and social media
  • Experts in conversions